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FY19 Meeting Minutes, Oct 21, 2020

Post Office Box 248 LaBelle, Florida 33975
October 25, 2018
The Hendry Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. on October 25, 2018 by Chairman Bruce Hendry. Meeting was held in the large conference room at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building at 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle, Florida.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bruce Hendry, Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn, Supervisor Mabry McCray
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Supervisor Marilyn Sears, Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel
OTHERS PRESENT: Noreen Berden, HSWCD Secretary, Jim Sutter, DC NRCS LaBelle
A. Minutes from May 24, 2018 were read and reviewed. Chairman Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Supervisor Mabry McCray motioned to accept as read, Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn. All were in favor, motion was passed.
B. Financial reports were read and reviewed. Chairmen Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Supervisor Mabry McCray motioned to accept as read, seconded by Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn. All were in favor, motion was passed.
A. The annual AFCD meeting was briefly discussed, Hendry had two poster winners, a first-place winner in the 10th-12th grade category and a third-place winner.
C. At the last meeting the Board discussed Noreen attending the Southeast Conservation District Employees conference in Pigeon Forge in November. The Board was in favor of Noreen attending but wanted to review the costs. The estimated actual costs are approximately $600. The costs of meals are impossible to calculate currently.
Chairmen Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve paying the actual expenses instead of a daily per diem. Supervisor Mabry McCray made the motion which was seconded by Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn. All were in favor, motion was passed.

A. Budget figures from the last fiscal year compared to actual expenses were reviewed. Some expenses were discussed in detail and figures were checked. The proposed budget for the new fiscal year was discussed with the adjustments needed to cover office outreach expenses. Chairmen Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve the proposed budget. Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn motioned to accept the proposed budget for this fiscal year with amendments to be made throughout the year as needed, seconded by Supervisor Mabry McCray. All were in favor, motion was passed
B. Noreen updated the Board on Envirothon and the poster contest. We had two prospective teachers from Clewiston High School and LaBelle High School, but the training session was cancelled because the forestry team was deployed to north Florida for hurricane Michael clean up.
The poster contest has Clewiston Middle School, Westside Elementary and Country Oaks in LaBelle participating this year.
C. At the last meeting the purchase of a drone and a asking for a possible cooperation agreement with NRCS was discussed. Jim Sutter has helped to prepare a letter to the state conservationist Russell Morgan proposing a cooperation agreement. Chairman Bruce Hendry signed the letter and Noreen will get it sent to Mr. Morgan.
D. The AFCD dues are due in the amount of $350., this year we did not take an item to the auction at the AFCD meeting. Part of the proceeds of the auction go to the Ellis Putnal Fund Chairmen Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve paying the dues and donating $100. to the Ellis Putnal Fund. Supervisor Mabry McCray made the motion which was seconded by Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn. All were in favor, motion was passed.
E. NACD has sent out a survey to districts which includes questions about resource needs that the Board members need to have time to review. The survey in due on December 3rd.
F. The possibility of doing a photography contest was discussed. This maybe another outreach project that the district can develop.
FDACS- (Florida Dept. of Ag.)- none available
DC REPORT- DC Jim Sutter Attached

A. Checks signed
Motion was made by Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn to dismiss the meeting, seconded by Supervisor Mabry McCray. All were in favor, meeting dismissed at 2:35 p.m. the next meeting date will be in November 29, 2018.

November 2018 – No Meeting Held

Post Office Box 248 LaBelle, Florida 33975
December 6, 2018
The Hendry Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. on December 6, 2018 by Chairman Bruce Hendry. Meeting was held in the large conference room at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building at 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle, Florida.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bruce Hendry, Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn, Supervisor Mabry McCray, Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Supervisor Marilyn Sears
OTHERS PRESENT: Noreen Berden, HSWCD Secretary, Jim Sutter, DC NRCS LaBelle, HSWCD Technician Roy Curry, Jr.
A. Minutes from October 25, 2018 were read and reviewed. Chairman Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel motioned to accept as read, Supervisor Mabry McCray. All were in favor, motion was passed.
B. Financial reports were read and reviewed. Chairmen Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Supervisor Mabry McCray motioned to accept as read, seconded by Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn. All were in favor, motion was passed.
A. The letter requesting a cooperation agreement with NRCS to purchase a drone and hire an employee to operate it was sent to the State NRCS Conservationist Russell Morgan.
There has as of today been no response. Chairman Bruce Hendry will call Mr. Morgan to see if this agreement is possible. Noreen will email Bruce the contact information.
C. At the last meeting the Board had approved Noreen attending the SECDEA meeting in Pigeon Forge, TN. Noreen updated the Board on the meeting and the expenses. There will be a $200 scholarship coming from FCDEA and at the last GSWCD meeting the Glades Board voted to pay half of the trip expenses. The Hendry Board expense will be approximately $270.

A. Supervisor Marilyn Sears has been unable to continue serving as a supervisor for some time due to medical reasons and did not run for reelection this year. Her term will be officially be over as of December 31st. The Board will vote on officers and will discuss nominating someone to fill her seat at the January meeting if there are any candidates available.
B. NACD dues are due, and in 2017 year the District paid dues in the amount of $250. Chairman Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to increase and pay dues in the amount of $300. Motion was made by Supervisor Mabry McCray seconded by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel.
C. AFCD sent out an email saying that some of the district’s have been sued because their websites were not accessible to people with special needs. AFCD has a web host that has a fix for this problem and suggests that the district’s switch their websites. Chairman Bruce Hendry suggested that HSWCD switch if the cost is comparable to what we are paying now and asked that a motion be made. Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel made the motion, it was seconded by Supervisor Mabry McCray. All were in favor, motion was passed.
D. The possibility of doing a photography contest was discussed was briefly mentioned again. The 4-H gardening club has asked for assistance in developing the pollinator gardens at the Dallas Townsend Buildings. They have a grant that will cover some of the cost but will need some financial help. They will prepare a proposal and an overview of the project for the Board to review at the next meeting.
FDACS- (Florida Dept. of Ag.)- HSWCD Technician Roy Curry, Jr. updated the Board on his progress in signing up producers in the BMP’s, doing cost share check-outs and checking IV’s (implementation verifications).
DC REPORT- DC Jim Sutter Attached
A. Checks signed
B. A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m. with the next meeting being scheduled for January 24, 2019.

Post Office Box 248 LaBelle, Florida 33975
January 24, 2019
The Hendry Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. on January 24, 2019 by Chairman Bruce Hendry. Meeting was held in the large conference room at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building at 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle, Florida.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bruce Hendry, Supervisor Mabry McCray, Vice- Chairman Bobby McDaniel
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn
OTHERS PRESENT: Noreen Berden HSWCD Secretary, Jim Sutter DC NRCS LaBelle, Roy Curry, Jr. HSWCD Technician, Ariel Avila Guest
A. Minutes from December 6, 2018 were read and reviewed. Chairman Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel motioned to accept as read, seconded by Supervisor Mabry McCray. All were in favor, motion was passed.
B. Financial reports were read and reviewed. Chairmen Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Supervisor Mabry McCray motioned to accept as read, seconded by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel. All were in favor, motion was passed.
A. The 4-H gardening club has asked for assistance in developing the pollinator gardens at the Dallas Townsend Buildings. They have a grant that will cover some of the cost but will need some financial help. They have prepared an overview of the project for the Board to review showing a projected shortfall of $4,364.50 in income needed over the grant money already received.
The Board discussed making a donation in the amount of $2,500.00 and revisiting the matter in the future if further funds are needed. Chairman Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel motioned to accept seconded by Supervisor Mabry McCray. All were in favor, motion was passed.

B. Noreen is trying to pursue switching the HSWCD website to the websites sponsored by AFCD. The contact information has been sent to the correct people and they are supposed to be working on it. The Board will be updated as it progresses.
C. The Governor’s Luncheon at the opening of the Florida State Fair will be attended by Chairman Bruce Hendry and Secretary Noreen Berden. Noreen will be traveling up the day before with Audrey Kuipers from Okeechobee SWCD to attend the Fresh From Florida Breakfast, an event at the Florida Strawberry Growers Association and an FCDEA meeting with other district staff.
D. NRCS State Conservationist Russell Morgan and Chairman Bruce Hendry spoke regarding a cooperation agreement with NRCS to purchase a drone and hire an employee to operate it. At this time, NRCS does not have anything in place for this type of agreement. The Board will check into the requirements on licensing for operating a drone and will discuss this further at the next meeting.
A. Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel motioned to postpone the election of new officers until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Mabry McCray. All were in favor, motion was passed.
FDACS- (Florida Dept. of Ag.)- HSWCD Technician Roy Curry, Jr. updated the Board on his progress in signing up producers in the BMP’s, doing cost share check-outs and checking IV’s (implementation verifications).
DC REPORT- DC Jim Sutter Attached
A. Checks signed
B. Motion was made by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel to dismiss the meeting, seconded by Supervisor Mabry McCray. All were in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m. with the next meeting being scheduled for February 28, 2019.

February 2019 – No Meeting Held

Post Office Box 248 LaBelle, Florida 33975
March 28, 2019
The Hendry Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. on March 28, 2019 by Chairman Bruce Hendry. Meeting was held in the large conference room at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building at 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle, Florida.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bruce Hendry, Supervisor Mabry McCray, Vice- Chairman Bobby McDaniel, Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn
OTHERS PRESENT: Noreen Berden HSWCD Secretary, Jim Sutter DC NRCS LaBelle, Roy Curry, Jr. HSWCD Technician, Charles Conly Guest
A. Minutes from January 24, 2019 were read and reviewed. Chairman Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel motioned to accept as read, seconded by Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn. Unanimous.
B. Financial reports were read and reviewed. Chairmen Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn motioned to accept as read, seconded by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel. Unanimous.
A. Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn made a motion that Bruce Hendry remain Chairman. Seconded by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel. All in favor. Motion approved.
B. Motion made by Vice-Chairman McDaniel for Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn to take over his position. All in favor. Motion approved.
C. Vice-Chairman McDaniel motioned to appoint Charles Conly to take over Marilyn Sears position. Seconded by Supervisor McCray. All in favor. Motion approvedHENDRY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT
Post Office Box 248 LaBelle, Florida 33975
March 28, 2019
The Hendry Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. on March 28, 2019 by Chairman Bruce Hendry. Meeting was held in the large conference room at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building at 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle, Florida.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bruce Hendry, Supervisor Mabry McCray, Vice- Chairman Bobby McDaniel, Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn
OTHERS PRESENT: Noreen Berden HSWCD Secretary, Jim Sutter DC NRCS LaBelle, Roy Curry, Jr. HSWCD Technician, Charles Conly Guest
A. Minutes from January 24, 2019 were read and reviewed. Chairman Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel motioned to accept as read, seconded by Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn. Unanimous.
B. Financial reports were read and reviewed. Chairmen Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn motioned to accept as read, seconded by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel. Unanimous.
A. Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn made a motion that Bruce Hendry remain Chairman. Seconded by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel. All in favor. Motion approved.
B. Motion made by Vice-Chairman McDaniel for Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn to take over his position. All in favor. Motion approved.
C. Vice-Chairman McDaniel motioned to appoint Charles Conly to take over Marilyn Sears position. Seconded by Supervisor McCray. All in favor. Motion approvedHENDRY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT
Post Office Box 248 LaBelle, Florida 33975
March 28, 2019
The Hendry Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. on March 28, 2019 by Chairman Bruce Hendry. Meeting was held in the large conference room at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building at 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle, Florida.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bruce Hendry, Supervisor Mabry McCray, Vice- Chairman Bobby McDaniel, Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn
OTHERS PRESENT: Noreen Berden HSWCD Secretary, Jim Sutter DC NRCS LaBelle, Roy Curry, Jr. HSWCD Technician, Charles Conly Guest
A. Minutes from January 24, 2019 were read and reviewed. Chairman Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel motioned to accept as read, seconded by Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn. Unanimous.
B. Financial reports were read and reviewed. Chairmen Bruce Hendry asked for a motion to approve. Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn motioned to accept as read, seconded by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel. Unanimous.
A. Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn made a motion that Bruce Hendry remain Chairman. Seconded by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel. All in favor. Motion approved.
B. Motion made by Vice-Chairman McDaniel for Supervisor Lisa Cleghorn to take over his position. All in favor. Motion approved.
C. Vice-Chairman McDaniel motioned to appoint Charles Conly to take over Marilyn Sears position. Seconded by Supervisor McCray. All in favor. Motion approved

D. The HSWCD website sponsored by AFCD is operational but needs to be updated with new information and pictures. The Board will be updated as it progresses.
A. AFCD Area IV meeting will be held at the Adams Ranch in Fort Pierce on April 11th. It is required for District Administration to attend if possible. Noreen gave the Board copies of the agenda.
B. Posters were judged.
FDACS- (Florida Dept. of Ag.)- HSWCD Technician Roy Curry, Jr. updated the Board on his progress in signing up producers in the BMP’s, doing cost share check-outs and checking IV’s (implementation verifications).
DC REPORT- DC Jim Sutter Attached
A. Checks signed
B. Motion was made by Vice-Chairman Bobby McDaniel to dismiss the meeting, seconded by Supervisor Mabry McCray. All were in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m. with the next meeting being scheduled for August 26, 2019.

April- July 2019 – No Meetings Held

Post Office Box 248 LaBelle, Florida 33975
August 26, 2019
The Hendry Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. on August 26, 2019 by Chairman Bruce Hendry. Meeting was held in the small conference room at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building at 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle, Florida.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bruce Hendry, Vice-Chairman Lisa Cleghorn, Supervisor Mabry McCray, Supervisor Ariel Avila, Supervisor Charles Conly
OTHERS PRESENT: Mitchell Aman DC NRCS Fort Myers, Noreen Berden HSWCD Secretary, Roy Curry, Jr. HSWCD Technician
A. Minutes from May 23, 2019 were read and reviewed. Vice-Chairman Lisa Cleghorn motioned to accept as read, seconded by Supervisor Conly. Unanimous.
B. Financial reports were read and reviewed. Vice-Chairman Lisa Cleghorn motioned to accept as read, seconded by Supervisor Conly. Unanimous.
A. DC Aman and Ms. Berden updated the Board on the area workgroup meeting that has been tentatively scheduled for October 23, 2019.
B. The drone project for the NACD grant is progressing with the receipt of guidelines from NRCS for usage. Ms. Berden will check with NACD to see if there are restrictions on a Board member being paid from the grant.
C. The Board reviewed a letter that the Glades SWCD will be sending out and discussed writing a similar letter from Hendry SWCD. The Board would like Ms. Berden to work on a draft for their review.
FDACS- (Florida Dept. of Ag.)- HSWCD Technician Roy Curry, Jr. updated the Board on his progress in BMP implementation review.

A. Updates on contract renewals were discussed. Ms. Berden reviewed the FDACS BMP contract and the technician contract with the Board. Ms. Berden also went over the NRCS cooperative agreement. Javier Torres will be coming to work under this agreement.
The NACD grant was discussed and the possibility of Supervisor Avila operating the drone. Ms. Berden will check with NACD to see if this is a conflict.
Vice-Chairman Cleghorn motioned to have BMKP, P.A. conduct a quarterly audit of the grant, seconded by Supervisor Conly. Unanimous.
The Board reviewed pay rates for contractors working under the grant and cooperative agreement. Motion was made by Vice-Chairman Cleghorn to pay Jorge Rodriguez at the same rate as Bob Beck, seconded by Supervisor Conly. Unanimous.
B. Vice-Chairman Cleghorn and Ms. Berden updated the Board on the AFCD meeting in Ocala. Vice-Chairman Cleghorn brought the Board up to date on the resolution that was put before the AFCD Board on Lake Okeechobee water levels. AFCD will take the resolution to the National meeting if the Districts are in favor. Vice-Chairman Cleghorn made the motion, seconded by Supervisor McCray. Unanimous.
C. The Board discussed approving reimbursable travel on and individual per trip basis. Supervisor McCray motioned to adopt the Florida Department of Financial Services travel manual guidelines for HSWCD travel reimbursement, seconded by Supervisor Conly. Unanimous.
D. Ms. Berden asked the Board to approve her attendance at the SECDEA meeting in Pigeon Forge, FDACS has approved this as reimbursable travel. Vice-Chairman Cleghorn motioned to approve, seconded by Supervisor McCray. Unanimous.
E. Ms. Berden asked the Board to fund a “book barn” program for local school outreach. Vice-Chairman Cleghorn made a motion to begin with a $750 budget, seconded by Supervisor Conly. Unanimous.
DC REPORT- Acting DC Mitchell Aman Attached
A. Checks signed
B. Chairman Hendry dismissed the meeting at 3:10 p.m. with the next meeting date scheduled for September 26, 2019.

Post Office Box 248 LaBelle, Florida 33975
September 26, 2019
The Hendry Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting was called to order at 1:03 p.m. on September 26, 2019 by Chairman Bruce Hendry. Meeting was held in the large conference room at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building at 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle, Florida.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bruce Hendry, Vice-Chairman Lisa Cleghorn, Supervisor Mabry McCray, Supervisor Ariel Avila
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Supervisor Charles Conly
OTHERS PRESENT: Mitchell Aman DC NRCS Ft. Myers, Noreen Berden HSWCD Secretary, Charlene Meeks Executive Director, AFCD
A. Minutes from August 26, 2019 were read and reviewed. Vice-Chairman Cleghorn motioned to accept as read, seconded by Supervisor McCray. Unanimous.
B. Financial reports were read and reviewed. Supervisor McCray motioned to accept as read, seconded by Vice-Chairman Cleghorn. Unanimous.
C. Ms. Meeks gave the Board an overview of the NACD annual meetings, AFCD activities and upcoming events. She encouraged the Board to be more active in attending any available meetings or conferences that are scheduled.
A. DC Aman and Ms. Berden will be working on the area workgroup meeting that has been scheduled for October 23, 2019.
B. The drone project for the NACD grant is at a point that a drone pilot needs to be hired and the drone purchased.

C. The Board reviewed the letter and signed it. Supervisor Conly was not present, the letter will not be sent until it has his signature.
A. The Board reviewed the Budget for the next fiscal year. Motion was made to approve by Supervisor McCray seconded by Vice-Chairman Cleghorn. Unanimous.
FDACS- (Florida Dept. of Ag.)- HSWCD Technician Roy Curry, Jr. not present
DC REPORT- Acting DC Mitchell Aman Attached
A. Checks signed
B. Chairman Hendry dismissed the meeting at 2:25 p.m. with the next meeting date scheduled for October 23, 2019.